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The New Standard for Modern Clinic Management

With its meticulous design, remarkable efficiency, and structured yet adaptable processes, Clarity empowers your healthcare team to unleash its full potential. It is the preferred tool for high-performance healthcare teams aiming to enhance electronic health record (EHR) systems.

Patient management

EaseCare is a tool to remove barriers. Powerful yet simple to use, it helps you to plan ahead, make better decisions and execute faster. You don’t have to come up with best practices for how to use EaseCare — we already built them directly into the product.



Enhance efficiency with specialty-specific modules tailored to diverse medical specialties for a streamlined workflow

Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Tailorable pre-designed formats or layouts that can be adapted to specific needs or preferences.



Process of generating and managing invoices for goods or services rendered, facilitating financial transactions.

Appointment Scheduling

Appointment Scheduling

Organizing and managing appointments or meetings efficiently using a calendar or scheduling system.

Recurring Appointments

Recurring Appointments

Regularly scheduled meetings that repeat at specified intervals, simplifying ongoing commitments and planning.



Conducting phone-based communication to engage with Patients or for various purposes, such as sales or support.

Clinic management

Clinic Management is a comprehensive system designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of healthcare facilities. It encompasses various subsections that collectively contribute to the smooth operation and organization of clinics.

Muti-Clinic management

Muti-Clinic management

Enables centralized control for consistent processes and data management across multiple clinic locations.

Doctors management

Doctors management

Streamlines doctor-related activities, including appointment scheduling, profile management, and consultation tracking.

Staff Management

Staff Management

Focuses on non-medical personnel, offering tools like scheduling, payroll and performance tracking.

User Roles and Permissions

User Roles and Permissions

Ensures security by defining roles (e.g., doctor, nurse) and assigning permissions, limiting access to relevant information and maintaining compliance.


The Analytics section is a critical component of our system that provides insightful data and performance metrics to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency. It offers a comprehensive overview of various aspects related to the functioning of the healthcare facility.

Income tracking

Income tracking

Analyzes real-time financial data for insights into revenue trends and peak periods.

New vs returning patient

New vs returning patient

Distinguishing between new and returning patients for targeted marketing and improved satisfaction.

Appointment Status Data

Appointment Status Data

Manages schedules with detailed analysis of appointment statuses, optimizing slots and reducing no-shows.

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Billing Breakdown

Enhances financial transparency by providing a detailed breakdown of expenses, fees, and charges associated with patient care, facilitating accurate financial management.

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A robust repository of customizable reports covering patient demographics, service utilization empowering stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.


Calendar allows users to manage and schedule appointments efficiently. Users can choose between two convenient views

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Calendar View

Enhances financial transparency by providing a detailed breakdown of expenses, fees, and charges associated with patient care, facilitating accurate financial management.

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List View

A robust repository of customizable reports covering patient demographics, service utilization empowering stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

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Built for the Future. Available today.

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